種類 |
発行又は発表の年月 |
著書、学術論文、作品等の名称 |
発行又は発表雑誌等又は発表学会等の名称 |
該当頁 |
概要 |
著書(共著) | 2018年1月 | 「観光セクター向けユニバーサルデザイン推奨ガイド」(Guía de Recomendaciones de Diseño Universal para el Sector Turismo) | メキシコ連邦政府の観光省 | pp. 40-44 (335 p.) |
学術論文(単著) | 2011年3月 | コミュニティ形成に向けたモビリティシステムへのアプローチ:社会的組織と集合的文化の維持を目指して | 博士学位論文 | |
学術論文(共著) | 1999年3月 | Using QFD, TRIZ and CAD for the Design Process of a Cactus Dethorning Device | Proceedings of First Symposium of TRIZ Methodology and Application (TRIZCON 99) | 4B |
学術論文(共著) | 2008年11月 | Mobility Design for the Local Community in Mexico: Assessing the urban community physical and socio-cultural contexts | デザインシンポジウム2008論文集 | pp. 387-394 |
学術論文(共著) | 2009年3月 | メキシコシティにおけるコミュニティの形成のためのモビリティの役割:コミュニティにおける連帯を鍵概念として | 武蔵野美術大学 大学院 博士後期課程 研究紀要, No.2 | |
学術論文(共著) | 2009年5月 | A Socio-Cultural Approach of Mobility Design for the Local Community | 日本デザイン学会 デザイン学研究Vol.56,No.1 | pp.73-82 |
学術論文(共著) | 2010年11月 | Design Research for Approaching Socio-Cultural Contexts | デザインシンポジウム2008論文集 | USBメモリー |
学術論文(共著) | 2012年6月 | Application of Multi-space Design Model for assessing the Complexity of Mobility and Automotive Design | Proceedings pf the 15th International Conference of Machine Design and Production | CD-ROM |
学術論文(共著) | 2013年1月 | A Socio-cultural Approach for the Local Scale of Urban Transport: Widening challenges and opportunities for Intelligent Transportation Systems | Proceedings of the 1st Universal Village International Conference | CD-ROM |
学術論文(共著) | 2013年8月 | Analysis and Proposal of Community Transportation Systems from a Socio-cultural Approach by Using Multispace Design Model | Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2013) | pp.281-292 |
学術論文(共著) | 2013年9月 | Design of a Service System for Vehicle Users by Applying Multispace Design Method and SysML | Proceedings of the International Conference of Asia-Pacific Council on Systems Engineering (APCOSEC 2013) | CD-ROM |
学術論文(共著) | 2013年10月 | Development of a Service System based on Value Growth Design | Proceedings of the 23th Conference of Design and system Engineering, Japan Chapter of the American society of Mechanical Engineers ASME | pp.21-44 |
学術論文(共著) | 2014年6月 | Timeaxis Design of a Service System Growing Values of Mobility Using the M-V Model | Proceedings of the Design, User Experience and Usability, User Experience Design for Everyday Applications and Services. Third International Conference (DUXU 2014) | pp.320-326 |
学術論文(共著) | 2018年10月 | Research about innovation opportunities in the medical device industry through Japan-Mexico Bilateral Collaboration | Proceedings of the International Service Innovation Design Conference (ISIDC 2018) | pp. 553-561 |
学術論文(共著) | 2018年10月 | Revisiting the concept of ‘function’: A conceptual expansion for product, service and system innovation | Proceedings of the International Service Innovation Design Conference (ISIDC 2018) | pp. 201-206 |
学術論文(共著) | 2019年12月 | リハビリ支援ロボットの研究 | 第19回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2018)論文集 | 3C4-09 |
学術論文(共著) | 2019年12月 | 感情誘起によるリハビリテーション支援ロボットの研究 | 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2019)論文集 | pp. 2660-2661 |
学術論文(共著) | 2020年3月 | 表情認識による孤独感軽減ロボットの動作選択 | 第15回日本感性工学学会春季大会論文集 | 1P-06 |
学術論文(共著) | 2021年1月 | Development of a robot for emotional support of children during walking rehabilitation. | International conference on ‘Designing for children' with focus on 'Play and Learn' | ChildA1900190 |
学術論文(共著) | 2021年7月 | デザイン思考による豪雨警戒防災システムのデザイン開発
| Designシンポジウム2021 講演論 | pp. 131-135 |
近年,豪雨災害が多発しており,住宅地などの生活空間 に被害が拡大している.本来は,治水事業がもっとも有効 な対策であるが,膨大な時間と費用が必要である.しかし, 災害は現在も増加しており,直近の災害に対応する方法や 製品を早急に開発する必要に迫られている.すでに行政側 も防災製品への開発助成金なども増加しており,多くの企 業が参入を計画している. しかし,防災製品に求められる仕様策定においては,行 政側も企業側も,情報もノウハウも経験が不足しており, エンドユーザー(生活者,被災者)にとって必要なサービ スや機能を特定することが困難な状況である.このような 課題に対して,一部の行政では「デザイン思考」を導入, 情報発信の最適化や避難の迅速化に向けた行動設計の検討 などへの活用が始まっている. 東京都立産業技術研究センターデザイン担当の森は,多 くの企業にデザイン経営・デザイン思考の実装を進めてき た.また,少人数・短時間で実行可能な,最小限のデザイ ン思考ワークショップ手法「ミニマムシンキング」をケー ススタディ開発,企業での事業化実績が増えている. 昨今,防災製品の開発に参入を希望する企業も増加して おり,その1社であるフィード工業からの要望に応えて, デザイン思考「ミニマムシンキング」ワークショップを導 入,豪雨災害対策製品の構想設計〜プロトタイプ開発を共 同研究にて行なった事例をここに報告する. |
学術論文(共著) | 2021年7月 | Design of Form and Motion of a Robot Aimed to Provide Emotional Support for Pediatric Walking Rehabilitation | Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCII 2021 | pp. 403-419 |
In Japan, increasing number of elderly who need care and shrinking workforce has driven the introduction of robotic technology for medical and nursing-care tasks. Despite the emergence of robots that provide physiological and mental care, in the walking rehabilitation field, this research could not find a robot that offers emotional support to patients, who usually experience stress, worry and anxiety during therapy due to pain and tiredness. In this paper, we present the design of a robot aimed to provide emotional support to children attending walking rehabilitation, essentially by “cheering” them during therapy.We first assessed walking rehabilitation procedures and summarized a general outline of a typical rehabilitation therapy. Then, we investigated the positive and negative emotions that children experience during each step of the rehabilitation therapy outline, and proposed roles that the robot must fulfill to deal with those emotions. Based on the established emotional roles, the robot morphology, design and motion were concurrently defined. The central design intention is to create a robot with a simple morphology and abstract form (less anthropomorphic or biomorphic) that is
soft, gentle and characterized by not having face features. Two prototypes were built and prelaminar evaluations were performed with adult respondents, including healthcare professionals. The overall impressions of the robot design, motion and effectiveness was favorably evaluated, and validation with pediatric patients will be implemented as a next step. |
学術論文(共著) | 2022年6月 | Utilization of Digital Fabrication Technology in Hybrid Courses for Industrial Design Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Emotion, Well-being and Health, Learning, and Culture: 11th International Conference, DUXU 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26–July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part II. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. | pp. 241-255 |
Due to COVID-19 pandemic. Education systems all around the world
had been forced to migrate from face-to-face education to online format by using
digital platforms. In Japan, the shift to distance education was particularly challenging
across the higher education sector due to lack of experience in conducting
classes online, as well as the slow pace of the country education system to take
up digital technology.
The scope of the field of industrial design has been increasingly widening,
including non-tangible products such as services, interfaces and experiences,
among others. Additionally, CAD technology facilitates design distance learning.
However, the core of industrial design remains in the development of proposals
of physical products, especially in Japan where there is a very strong culture of
monozukuri or “making of things”. Since the practice of industrial design cannot
be taught solely by remote classes, this paper documents the attempt to carry
out two hybrid courses with face-to-face lessons for physically building design
proposals. In order to adapt to the academic conditions in the pandemic context,
digital fabrication technology was utilized, specifically laser cuttingmachines. By
using online communication platform students attended lectures, submitted design
ideas, received professor feedback and built necessary data. During face-to-face
lessons, students used laser cutting machine to make parts, built prototypes and
received feedback. Surveys were applied at the end of each course, showing high
level of satisfaction among students. This research aims to contribute to finding the
most optimum balance point between online and face-to-face lessons for industrial
design courses towards the “new normal” reality. |
学術論文(共著) | 2023年9月 | リハビリテーション支援ロボットに適したカタチと動きのデザイン要素と構成要素の明確化
| 日本人間工学会第64回大会論文集 | p. O1B7-02 DOI https://doi.org/10.5100/jje.59.O1B7-02 |
うに患者に携われない状況が続いている。そこで本稿では、「感性情報を用いたリハビリテーション支援ロボット1)」(以下ロボット)の開発の発展のため、上記を例とした患者の心理的な支援を視覚情報から得ることを可能とする、カタチや動きといったデザイン要素及びデザイン構成要素を明らかにすることを目的として取り組んだ実験について報告する。 |
学術論文(共著) | 2023年10月 | Assessment of a Robot Design: A novel Methodology using Eye-tracking and Semantic Associations Among
undergraduate students´ contexts
| Proceedings of the 2023 World Engineering Education Forum - Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF-GEDC) | Pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/WEEF-GEDC59520.2023.10343721. |
Robots are increasingly being used in different industries, so product design education must be familiar with such contexts. Specifically, in the medical and nursing sectors, robots perform duties to enhance patients' physiological and emotional health. This paper focuses on showing the methodology designed by professors and design students for the assessment of robot design for medical purposes. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the advantages of the methodology that integrates two main assessment tools: the semantic differential (SD) questionnaire and Eye-Tracking (ET) technology. These tools were applied to deepen the assessment of specific morphological elements of the robot body, as well as emotional descriptive elements of a previously evaluated robot. The research protocol was applied among undergraduate students from a Mexican and a Japanese university. First, a survey on robot-related aptitude and previous experience was conducted. Second, an SD tool based on the Goodspeed index, along with ET technology using high-quality renders of the robot, was implemented. The findings of the methodology application demonstrated the novelty of the procedure and its outcomes. The survey on previous experience showed a similarity between the students of the two universities, indicating a baseline experience with SD and ET regarding variables such as emotional perception and visual element observation. The students exhibited similarities in most of the outcomes, both in terms of the understanding of emotional and physical elements observed.
学術論文(共著) | 2023年11月 | Design of Equipment for Road Traffic Closure in Flooded Underpass
| Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction | pp 634–645. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-48047-8_43 |
In order to deal with increasingly frequent accidents caused during underpass flooding, it is required to develop traffic control equipment that can stop vehicle traffic in a quick and effective way. In this research, design requirements for underpass traffic control equipment were clarified through literature review, analysis of existing equipment, and user research focused on road management authorities in Japan and China. Preliminary results of this work led to widening the scope of required functionality beyond stopping traffic, in order to include assistive functions such as traffic redirecting and warning. Based on this finding, the design proposal is composed by two main elements: a fixed barricade and a set of mobile assistive devices. At the present state of design development, a qualitative validation was carried out by applying questionnaires and conducting interviews with road managers. From an overall perspective, the proposal was positively evaluated. Specifically, characteristics such as efficiency, usage space, cost and aesthetic appealing were highlighted, while theft, safety enhancing and visibility were identified as points for future improvement.
学術論文(共著) | 2023年12月 | 感情誘起支援型リハビリテーションロボットの印象評価
| 第24回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集 | O1B7-02 第24回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会 |
Rehabilitation is designed with the assumption of a patient's proactive attitude, and rehabilitation assist robots are also based on this proactive stance. However, in various facilities such as nursing homes, special care facilities, home care, day care, and day services, there are often cases that people are not active for rehabilitation. This paper describes the development of an emotional support robot for walking rehabilitation of elderly people. A walking rehabilitation was
divided into four scenes, and the robot motion that motivated to keep walking rehabilitation in each scene was designed.
The emotional support robot can support a positive motivation on rehabilitation by fostering positive emotions, such as
feeling encouraged by the robot.
学術論文(共著) | 2024年6月 | Comparison of Robot Assessment by Using Physical and Virtual Prototypes: Assessment of Appearance Characteristics, Emotional Response and Social Perception | Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61353-1_9 |
The integration of robots into society has prompted extensive exploration, extending over various fields such as education, healthcare, and industry. This paper delves into the classification of robot conception and emphasizes the increasing prevalence of robots in diverse applications. Particularly in healthcare, the implementation of robots has sparked debates regarding their positive and negative implications, necessitating a thorough understanding of their impact across different contexts. The authors proposed a healthcare robot aimed at providing emotional support for pediatric walking rehabilitation, emphasizing the importance of assessing both physical and emotional aspects through physical prototypes (PP) and virtual prototypes (VP). The study introduces a methodology for comparative analysis, focusing on appearance characteristics, emotional response, and social perception. Initial findings suggest that while observable aspects like color and shape are effectively compared, more intricate features require further exploration. The study also evaluates emotional responses using the SAM instrument, revealing comparable emotional aspects conveyed by both PP and VP. The RoSAS assessment further validates social and emotional aspects of the prototypes, highlighting differences in factors such as discomfort and warmth between PP and VP. These insights underscore the potential of VP for prototype assessment and suggest avenues for further research in this domain. |
学術論文(共著) | 2024年7月 | Relevance of objective and subjective profile: creative behavior assessment in higher education students | Frontiers in Education, 9:1387150. | DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1387150 |
Creativity is a 21st Century skill. Promoting problem-solving and attending to global complex issues in formative learning experiences and professional endeavors is considered necessary. The assessment of creativity in higher education is a challenge itself due to few objective instruments for Spanish speakers and Latin populations considering this skill as key for current and future challenges. In addition to formal creativity training, which is based on curricula formed by a set of tools and processes, there is also the role of self-perception over this skill. The objective profile is the expected performance, while the subjective is seen as a self-declared ability. In this sense, having a proper assessment of creative behavior allows to align the intentions of institutions and educators toward an integrated professional profile in a multidisciplinary manner. In this study, the Creative Behavior Assessment Instrument was applied to pre-graduates from Creative Studies (CS; Design, Architecture, Digital Animation, and Communication) areas and other disciplines to answer three main research questions (1) Are CS students more creative than other discipline students?; (2) How does fluency vary between students from different disciplines?; (3) Is there coherence between the objective and subjective responses to the instrument? The methodological approach for this study is mixed methods, focusing on total score, visuospatial ability, fluidity, and self-perception. Results are discussed in terms of the difference shown by the students’ objective/subjective profiles in relation to their discipline, the relevance of promoting creativity in higher education, and the implications of individual differences regarding the subjective profile. |
その他(単著) | 2004年1月 | 【受賞】International Car Design Competition (ICDC) 2004, Excellence Award, Student Division: 次世代の一人乗りタクシー(3D・模型) | 東京オートサロン2004で展示 | |
その他(共著) | 1999年12月 | 【受賞】TECNOS Award. Technological Project Category: "Cactus despining machine prototype design" | ヌエボ・レオン州政府(メキシコ) | |
その他(共著) | 2006年8月 | 【展示】グッドデザイン賞展示 2006. 武蔵野美術大学とメーカーとの産学連携型のカーデザインプロジェクト | | |
その他(共著) | 2008年1月 | 【展示】東京オートサロン2008, 改造車"Naomi III" | 大野 カー クラフトでのインターシップで制作 | |
その他(共著) | 2010年6月 | [共同研究報告書]:Future vehicle concept 窓のないの未来乗り物 | 慶應義塾大学 理工学部機械工学科 共同研究 | |
その他(共著) | 2010年12月 | Future vehicle ‘swarm’ concept バイオインスパイヤードデザインビークル | 慶應義塾大学 理工学部機械工学科 共同研究 | |
その他(共著) | 2011年5月 | 研究報告書:メキシコシティの譲許された公共交通機関における規制の適用のモニタリング -診断と行動の提案- | メキシコシティ東部の公共交通機関の協会「RUTA CUARENTA Y NUEVE, A.C.」 | pp.33-35 |
その他(共著) | 2012年3月 | 研究報告書:Research on Mobility Systems | Keio University Global COE Program “Center for Education and Research of Symbiotic, Safe and Secure System Design”, 活動成果総合報告書 (平成20年度~平成24年度) | pp.33-35 |
その他(共著) | 2012年5月 | [共同研究報告発表]:“Zoom Zoom Life Partner” service design concept | マツダR&Dセンター横浜と慶應義塾大学大学院システムデザイン・マネジメント(SDM)研究科の共同研究 | |
その他(共著) | 2013年3月 | [ポスター発表]:Widening the Scope for the Design of Public and Private Mobility Systems | Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Symbiotic, Safe and Secure System Design | p. 40 |
その他(共著) | 2015年12月 | 産学連携デザインプロジェクト成果報告書:モンテレイ工科大学・Liverpool、若者向き家具のデザイン | | |
その他(共著) | 2016年8月 | 産学連携デザインプロジェクト成果報告書:モンテレイ工科大学・Liverpool、若いカプルのシステムキッチンのデザイン | | |
その他(共著) | 2016年12月 | 産学連携デザインプロジェクト成果報告書:モンテレイ工科大学・Rassini Brakes、ディスクブレーキの故障を検出するためのデバイスのデザイン | | |
その他(共著) | 2018年9月 | [研究発表]:Extraction and consideration of causes of declining of quality of life in people living alone | 第20回日本感性工学会大会、感性に響くものづくり,デザインの魅力と機能 | [A4-07] |
その他(共著) | 2018年9月 | [研究発表]:Revisiting the concept of ‘function’ from a Kansei interaction design perspective | 第20回日本感性工学会大会、感性に響くものづくり,デザインの魅力と機能 | [A4-05] |
その他(共著) | 2018年9月 | [研究発表]:Role analysis of a Kansei robot for cheering walking rehabilitation patients | 第20回日本感性工学会大会、感性に響くものづくり,デザインの魅力と機能 | [A4-06] |
その他(共著) | 2020年3月 | ワークショップ形式の集団思考シミュレーションによる災害情報の誤認識「正常性バイアス」の対策の検討 | 第15回日本感性工学会春季大会 | 2P-20 |
その他(共著) | 2022年12月 | リハビリテーション支援ロボットのサイズと感情誘起効果の検討
| 第23回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集(SI2022) | 1P3-G02(1363-1364) |
Abstract: Physical support in walking rehabilitation has improved by sophisticated robot technology. However, although
emotional support of elderly person during rehabilitation is important for willingness to rehabilitate, current robots cannot assist the aspect. This paper describes the development of an emotional support robot for walking rehabilitation of elderly person. A walking rehabilitation was divided into four steps, and the robot motion that motivate to keep walking
rehabilitation in each step were designed. Two robot prototypes that has different height has built and simulated walk rehabilitation experiments were conducted. The impression was evaluated by a questionnaire of both tall and small size robots. The answers for both size robot were compared to clarify the difference of impression depend on its size. |
その他 | 2019年10月 | 【基調講演】:A new approach to understand and implement Accessibility and Universal Design | Keynote speaker at the 6th International Forum for Inclusive Cities | |
その他 | 2021年2月 | 【特許】:感性情報を用いたリハビリテーション支援ロボット | 【公開番号】特開2021-28108(P2021-28108A) | |
| 2023年5月 | Emotional Tool Design: A Perspective on How to Generate Empathy in Higher Education Students | Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) | pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/EDUCON54358.2023.10125212. |
Abstract: Empathy is an ability that should be put on practice by higher education students. The way of practicing empathy is a research field in which the best pedagogical tools are to be discovered. Empathy can be considered a competence or skill that should be considered in training students to focus on problem-solving. The Emotional Tool Design (ETD) implementation can help to create dynamics that improve the ability to empathize. This paper evaluates seven ETD designed to develop empathy in architecture, design, and engineering students. The tool's function is based on observing and identifying an emotion expressed by a character (emoji/emoticon). Seventy students participated in an online survey where they were asked to observe, identify, and understand the emotions expressed by seven tools based on PrEmo dynamics tool. This survey contained an empathy test (Interpersonal Reactivity Index), having three questions on the perception of the seven tools, and two comparative emotion identification questions at the end of the survey. The results of this study allows to conclude that the surveyed students possessed a low empathy component, but other competencies, such as fantasy and perspective-taking, enhanced the ETDs experience. For the students, emojis/emoticons were acceptable, particularly the non-anthropomorphic type. In addition, the student's profiles did not determine a differential in their way of empathizing; it was not significant for their empathy with the emotions displayed by the ETDs. Finally, the emoji/emoticon quality determines the empathy and emotional tools to work for the students. The ETDs have proven to be tools that can introduce students of any career to experience an empathy process. |